A few days ago there was an article in the San Angelo Standard Times that began with the following:
Imagine life without electricity. No air conditioning. No computers. No television. And that is just the beginning.
The impact on business would be devastating, as was witnessed recently when blackouts crippled India and the country came to a standstill.
Could it happen in the United States and in Texas? Absolutely!
As ERCOT (the Electricity Reliability Council of Texas) and the PUC (Public Utility Commission) continue to deal with the possibility of an electricity shortage in coming years—maybe as soon as next summer—headlines and articles like this one could become more common. As a business owner, you need to know how seriously to take these kinds of reports. After all, this sounds like scary stuff. Running a business without commercial electricity would, indeed, be hard.
While the issue of electrical generation is a complex one, there are primarily two things you need to know as it relates to business electricity and your organization. First, the paragraphs quoted above are dramatic and make for a great opening, but they paint the picture that we’re on the verge of losing all power in the near future. We are not. The article goes on to say that current projections estimate that “…the state will not have enough electricity in 2022 unless power companies build more plants or people mount a massive conservation program.” In fact, ERCOT and the PUC have indicated that rolling blackouts are a possibility as soon as summer 2013.
However, you can rest assured that ERCOT and the PUC are working hard to ensure that there is enough residential and commercial electricity for every meter in the state. It isn’t as though we’re going to lose all power any day now. Your business electricity will continue to flow.
The second thing you should know is there is a legitimate concern here. While there is no need to panic, you would do well to plan. Truth be told, even if the state weren’t facing a possible commercial electricity shortage it would be in your best interest to develop and implement a 3-5 year energy strategy. Business electricity is a major operational expense for every organization. It is worth your while to select a product, rate, term, provider and contract that work for you, helping you to lower your commercial electricity expense as much as possible.
With uncertainty in the future, that’s true now more than ever and the pros at Live Energy are here to help you. We follow the market 24/7, keeping an eye on everything from the cost of business electricity to the likelihood of rolling blackouts. Our team of experts are here to help you navigate the ups and downs of the market, planning out a strategy that will save you both time and money. We’ve helped hundreds of other business owners, and we’d love to help you.
If you’d like to learn more about how Live Energy can help you develop an energy strategy for your business electricity needs, please contact us today at (877) 810-7770.